EnvironmentVAT SAVITRI VRAT 2022



Vat Savitri Vrat 2022 | Vat Savitri Vrat Mantra, Worship Method, Muhurta, and Complete Story 2022

Vat Savitri Puja is regarded as a significant celebration of lucky ladies in Hindu holy literature. This year’s Vat Savitri Vrat will take place on May 30th, 2022. From Jyeshtha Krishna Trayodashi to Amavasya, and from Jyeshtha Shukla Trayodashi to Poornima, there is a Hindu requirement that this fast must be observed. Now you must be wondering why the Vat Savitri fast is observed. What are the advantages for women? Is this a fact that women keep for the sake of their husband’s long life, or is there another reason for it?

In this post, you will find the answers to all of these questions as well as a story about the Vat Savitri fast, worship manner, and auspicious time. That is why, before fasting, all natives perform Vat Savitri. Get complete information on the fast’s story, mantra, worship style, auspicious time, and so on, so that you can get the desired effects by following the fast.

Vat Savitri Vrat’s Advantages

Goddess Savitri, according to legend, followed a severe fast in order to protect her husband Satyavan from Yamraj. Since then, the Vat has been known as Savitri Vrat. To keep this fast, Goddess Savitri worshipped the Vat tree.

Let us know what the advantages of Vat Savitri fasting are for the natives, i.e. ladies who follow it.

According to Hindu mythology, following this fast ensures the husband’s long life.
In the house, there is serenity and contentment.
Because women are the house’s Lakshmi, this fast is thought to bring them good fortune.
All three superpowers are said to live in Brahma Vishnu Mahesh’s banyan tree.
The thread of protection strung by women around the banyan tree extends the husband’s life.
The women’s desires are fulfilled while tying the thread on the banyan tree.
This fast can be observed by women of all castes, including virgins, married women, daughters, widows, and so on.
Women follow this fast in order to keep Saubhagyavati unbroken.
This fast is currently only planned for the new moon day. The banyan tree is also revered.

Vat Savitri Vrat is a way of worship.

On this day, ladies rise in the Brahma Muhurta and, after retiring from bathing, fill an earthen pitcher with holy water and sprinkle it throughout the home.

After that, make a Brahma statue by filling a bamboo basket with sapta grains. Install the Savitri idol on Brahma’s left side. Similarly, place Satyavan and Savitri’s idols in the second basket. Take these baskets and store them under the banyan tree. Worship Brahma and Savitri after you’ve completed all of these steps. Women tie a protective thread while worshipping the Vat tree.

Mantra for Vat Vriksha Puja

Women should offer water to the roots of the banyan tree while repeating the worship mantra.

Vat Vriksha Puja Material – This material is required when worshipping the Vat tree:

When worshipping, use water, molly, roli, raw cotton, soaked gramme, flowers, and incense.

Method of Vat Tree Worship
Wrap a raw thread around the banyan tree’s trunk three times after irrigating it with water.
Listen to the storey of Vat Savitri wearing Bada leaf jewellery.
Keep the currency money after removing the seeds from the soaking gramme.
Touch your mother-in-feet. law’s
If your mother-in-law is not there, place your hand on the foot of women who are older than you.
Following the worship of Vat and Savitri, there is a law to worship a lucky woman every day with betel leaves, vermilion, and kumkum.

End Method of Vat Vriksha Puja

After the women have completed the entire worship ceremony with all of the essential things, they must feed the Brahmins with food, clothing, and cow fodder.

Donate garments to Brahmins by putting them in a bamboo receptacle.
Women are now required to fast after worship. Chant the following verses while fasting:
Mum vaidhavadisakaladosapariharartham brahmasavitriprityartham.
Satyavatsavitriprityartham cha vatsavitrivratmaham karishye.

The women sat under the banyan tree, listening intently to Vat Savitri’s storey. Women achieve the intended results by doing so.
Fasting narrative of Vat Savitri

The age of Savitri’s spouse was about to end, according to legendary legends and the popular Vat Savitri Vrat 2022. Satyavan, Savitri’s spouse, was only married for a short time.

Dev Sage Narada came to meet Savitri one day, thrilled with her worship. Then Goddess Savitri learned that her spouse was only here for a brief time. As a result, he prayed to Narad ji to extend his life. “Your husband Satyavan is short-lived,” Narad ji stated. You request a different groom. “I am a Hindu woman, and a Hindu woman picks a spouse just once,” Goddess Savitri stated upon hearing this. At the same time, my husband Satyavan is experiencing severe headaches. Then Narad ji mentioned the fasting of the banyan tree.

Seeing her husband’s anguish, Savitri takes him to the banyan tree and sits with him. After that, Yamraj’s messenger and Yamraj himself arrive. Satyavan’s life was being taken to the south. Yama messengers are also followed by Savitri.

“O virtuous woman!” Yamraj said as he saw Savitri approaching. The wife helps her husband work in the fields. You must now return.” “I will stay with my spouse wherever he lives,” Savitri stated. This is the faith of my wife.” Yamraj was overjoyed to hear this response from Savitri. He told Savitri that if she asked for a boon, he would give her three. Which of the three brides will you have?

Savitri then requested eye light for her mother-in-law, the lost kingdom of her father-in-law, and a boon to become the mother of Satyavan’s hundred sons. Yamraj blessed Savitri and screamed, “Amen!” after hearing her three boons.” This request of yours will, without a doubt, be fulfilled.

After receiving a boon from Yamraj, Savitri returns to the same banyan tree. Satyavan’s body was kept here. Savitri notices after a while. Satyavan’s body appears to be moving in some way. Satyavan eventually stood up.

Goddess Savitri was able to save her husband’s life while worshipping the banyan tree in this fashion, and she was also able to restore the light in her mother-in-eyes. law’s And whatever empire his father-in-law took, he got it as well.

Savitri Vat Vrat 2022
When a Hindu woman, or virtuous woman, keeps a severe fast. As a result, even Yamraj is unable to perform any tasks unless he expresses his desire to do so. As you’ve read in this novel, Goddess Savitri’s recompense for worshipping the banyan tree has proven to be the desired fruit.

Any lady worships this banyan tree, influenced by religious books, Puranas, and sages. And whatever desire is retained in the mind, Tridev, i.e. Brahma Vishnu Mahesh fulfils it. The three great powers, Brahma Vishnu Mahesh, reside under the banyan tree, as you have already been told in this chapter.

Whoever is fortunate enough to observe this fast with faith is a blessed woman. And the law is used to worship. He unquestionably achieves the desired outcome. All of those women are capable of keeping this pace. Those who are experiencing physical, mental, financial, or family difficulties. This is something that women must keep in mind while fasting. That the reciting of the aforementioned mantra be done with commitment and genuine faith. Only then would they be able to obtain the proper fruits in the true sense of the word.

Let us know why the Vat tree is so important – Vat Savitri Vrat 2022

The peepal tree resembles the banyan tree in appearance. That is why it is also known as the Banyan tree. Lord Vishnu is said to live in the Peepal tree, according to religious literature. Those who venerate the Peepal tree. Lord Krishna, the Supreme Lord, showers him with his unlimited mercy. Also present is an old tree and a banyan tree known as Vat Vriksha. All three superpowers maintain their prominent image in that tree. Whoever lights the lamp in the banyan tree’s roots. Ghosts, for example, provide him with tranquilly. And the mental anguish vanishes.

Worship of the above-mentioned Vat tree. It is only for females. However, if a guy worships the banyan tree by lighting a lamp on it. And he says the Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya mantra. He is showered with the immeasurable mercy of all three gods. Anyone who is having physical, mental, financial, family, work, or business troubles. They should light a lamp at the feet of the banyan tree to meditate on Lord Brahma Vishnu Mahesh. So that they can be freed from their plight.

Friends, you have read the whole method of Vat Savitri Vrat 2022 in this post today and have heard the narrative of the banyan tree as well as the importance of the banyan tree. We feel that if Hindutva is taken seriously. Also, keep Hindu mythology at the top of your priority list. As a result, you will never be a part of any suffering. If your heart is filled with sincere faith. As a result, he receives the Lord’s unlimited mercy without having to fast or worship the Supreme Soul himself.

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